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15 Ways To Build An Interior Design Brand on Instagram

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Interior Design Brand

Have you ever thought of utilizing the potential of Instagram to build your interior design brand? 

Think about it – this social media platform allows businesses of different niches to reach potential clients worldwide. It encourages interaction and healthy business-customer relationships without much of a hassle.

What’s even more exciting about Instagram branding is that you can network with users receptive to your content. They can also be willing to support and promote your interior designing business to other potential customers.

As per Instagram statistics, 90% of people follow business accounts, 50% of people get interested in a brand after watching an Instagram ad, and 2 out of 3 Instagram users believe that Instagram allows them to access different brands.

Specific things to keep in mind for Instagram branding for interior designers:

  •       Instagram has to be viewed as a social channel that can market your content;
  •       Instagram should fit smoothly into your branding and marketing strategy;
  •       It has to be used for overall branding, i.e., should encompass all that you have to offer as an interior designer brand; and

Remember, the sole purpose of Instagram should be to make your brand a force to be reckoned with in the interior designing business community.

Read also – 20 Instagram Marketing Tips For Interior Designers

Why building a brand on Instagram is essential?

You can grow your interior design brand on Instagram by connecting to the right business community and reaching the target users who can help your brand grow fruitfully. It can also help foster trust and lasting relationships with your followers on the platform. Instagram can help establish your brand’s presence across different social media platforms in the long run.

Instagram has the potential to generate traffic and foster engagement that can lead to successful conversions. The best part is that all this can happen cost-effectively, as Instagram is a free platform. You can get visibility and brand recognition without spending much.

Additionally, interior designing is the art of creating visually appealing interiors of different types, and what better way to promote such art than through Instagram. This platform allows you to showcase your work by creating visual content that gets people talking.

How to build an interior design brand on Instagram?

If you are wondering how to build an interior design brand on Instagram, you are at the right place. Here we list the strategies and skills to prosper your commercial or home decor business like never before.

1. Create a brand and visual identity

 The first step towards building a successful brand on Instagram is to ensure that your company’s visual identity is in place and enhanced. 

The visual identity on the Instagram account should have the following basic features:

  • It should represent your brand
  • It should be consistent
  • It should be compatible with your business’s values and principles; and
  • It should be all about effectively using graphic elements, colors, fonts, and designs to drive the message across.

As Instagram is a visual platform, the visual aspects of your content should be of top priority.

Read also – 15 Ways To Differentiate Your Interior Design Business

interior design brand on instagram - create brand and visual identity

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2. Optimize your profile and bio

Your Instagram profile will be the face of your interior design brand on Instagram. 

Here is a quick checklist to make sure that your profile is truly representative of your brand:

  • Your profile should be a business profile
  • Public viewing of content should be allowed on your profile settings
  • Your Instagram username/handle must be your interior design business name
  • Your bio should be crisp and informative
  • Try to mention your website and other online platforms on your bio; and
  • Your profile pic should either be your logo or your face.

A pro tip is to fill out the complete details on your Instagram profile while setting it up the first time. Everything on your profile becomes a source of information and trust for the customer.

Read also – 15 Ways To Increase Instagram Engagement for Interior Designers

optimize instagram profile and bio

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3. Craft a content strategy

An essential component of Instagram branding for interior designers includes practical and well-thought content ideas and strategies for Instagram posts. Have a content calendar in place. This ensures that you do not end up producing low-performing and scattered content.

The best possible way to have a good content strategy is to base it on your design industry business goals, and target audiences. Also, before developing your strategy, make sure you do thorough market research.

Read also – Editorial Calendar for An Interior Design Marketing Plan

craft instagram content strategy to build interior design brand

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4. Encourage user-generated content

User approval is essential to building your brand on Instagram. Keeping this in mind, user-generated content should be encouraged. You can plan giveaways or competitions for your followers to do this strategically.

Offering discounts or a chance to get featured on your profile can be another incentive for people to produce content on your behalf. Also, request your loyal customers to give feedback via Instagram through stories and posts.

Read also – 20 Best Interior Designers Instagram Accounts To Follow

encourage user generated content on instagram

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5. Create trendy content

Your survival in the Instagram business community depends on researching and being up-to-date with current trends. 

Incorporating trends on your Instagram will allow you to engage with the users in a fun way. However, ensure that the trends are relevant to your interior design business and customers and do not clash with your professional values.

Read also – 12 Unique Instagram Content Ideas for Interior Designers

interior design brand on instagram - create trendy content

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6. Use engaging copy and hashtags

Both captions and hashtags are crucial components of anything you post on Instagram. Create content categories like a new trend, design tip, design trend, project reveal, etc., for caption generation. Keep the captions short, relevant, and easy to understand.

For hashtags, it would be wise to mix up generic hashtags (popular on Instagram) with your brand hashtags (curated by you). Add at least 20-30 hashtags to gain appropriate visibility on the Instagram feed.

Read also – 23 Best Ways To Market Yourself As An Interior Designer

interior design brand on instagram - use engaging copy and hashtags

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7. Collaborate with influencers

Instagram branding for interior designers is incomplete without a fruitful collaboration with influencers. When you partner with influencers, ensure the following things:

  • The influences have audiences that are your ideal clients as well
  • They agree to create content that drives across your message

If the collaboration happens successfully, it can bring you, new followers, enhance your engagement in the interior design business community, and improve your credibility with new clients.

Read also – Top 20 Interior Design Influencers To Follow On Instagram

8. Regularly optimize your strategy

Keep a regular check on your Instagram analytics, such as your interactions, likes, comments, reach, etc. It will help you understand if your Instagram branding approach is working. If something seems off, then you can try a different strategy. You can upgrade and optimize your Instagram branding strategy to opt for something that meets your business goals. 

9. Add a personal touch to your profile

One way to make sure that your followers remain engaged and interested in your profile is to add a personal touch. How can you do that? It is simple. Add high-quality photos/videos in which you are present, such as inspecting a finished project, addressing an interior designing workshop, etc.

It can even be a specific element that you keep consistent throughout your posts, such as color, caption styling, the set tone, or the editing technique.

Read also – 5 Best Social Media Platforms for Interior Designers

add personal touch to instagram profile

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10. Post regularly at scheduled timings

It is necessary to maintain your presence on the feeds of your followers. But do not get all excited and flood their feeds. Instead, post regularly but at scheduled timings. Instagram analytics and insights can help you pick appropriate timings (when your users are most active) for your scheduled posts.

11. Focus on original content than reposts

Sometimes while collaborating with other interior designers and influencers to build your interior design brand on Instagram, you will repost their content. However, it is advised that you avoid reposting much. Instead, focus your efforts on creating original content that best represents your skills and work.

12. Utilize tag feature wisely

Instagram allows you to tag other Instagram users as well as locations. So, if there is an opportunity and no issue of confidentiality, then you can tag the partners for your projects. You can even tag locations from where you acquire your goods and pieces of equipment. All of this will help build your brand’s awareness across the world.

Read also – The Ultimate Guide To Building A Strong Interior Design Brand

13. Post Instagram stories for more reach

The Instagram algorithm needs to know that you are an active user of the platform; only then will you be successful in increasing your brand presence. Post stories with CTAs to interact with your followers, give advice, or answer your followers’ questions. You can also keep updating the progress of a project through your stories.

Read also – A Complete Guide To Video Marketing for Interior Designers

post instagram stories for more reach - interior design brand

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14. Use the potential of reels

Videos in the form of reels have become an essential component of Instagram marketing. Instagram Reels reach more than 10% of the world’s population. Reels have an excellent record of engagement with multiple users. You must take advantage of this potential by posting reels on your profile. Reels should focus on marketing your skills and educating your followers.

use the potential of reels to build interior design brand on instagram

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15. Hire professionals to manage your Instagram

You can keep searching the internet for ideas on how to build an interior design brand on Instagram. But sometimes, the flood of information can get overwhelming. Hiring professionals who can help you manage your Instagram account can be a scalable way of managing your business.

The professionals you work with must be experts in the field of interior designing and social media management. The professionals must focus on increasing your profile’s leads, follower growth, and building a reputable Instagram brand for your interior design business.

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Instagram branding can seem like a challenging puzzle to solve. But it does not have to be. By being consistent and having a proper strategy in place, you can start growing your business on Instagram.


1. How do interior designers grow on Instagram?

The quickest way to grow on Instagram for interior designers is to focus on building a creative yet flexible content creation strategy. Also, connecting and engaging with the right Instagram followers and communities will help your business grow.

2. How do I brand myself as an interior designer?

To brand yourself as an interior decorator, you need to get the basics right. Your logo, design, and website have to be on point. Working on social media strategy by focusing on Instagram, Facebook, or any platform where your audience is active can help. Knowing about lead generation and SEO is also essential.

3. How can I promote my interior design business?

To promote your interior design business, you should adopt a marketing strategy that has a holistic approach to online marketing. You can build your website, design blog, email content, and focus on social media marketing.

4. How do you write your Instagram bio in interior design?

The bio should be short and informative. It should have your name, your niche area, and your contact details, along with your website and social media profiles. Also, adding the design service location to the bio can be a good choice.

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