AI Smart Home Floor Plan Solutions To Transform Your Home

AI Smart Home Floor Plan Solutions To Transform Your Home

Learn » AI For Interior Design » AI Smart Home Floor Plan Solutions To Transform Your Home

Designers using AI smart home floor plans are often short on time and have many tasks and client requests. Imagine if AI could help you with floor planning, and 3d visualization, delivering high-quality work quickly, making instant changes, taking on more clients, and increasing your earnings significantly.

A major chunk of the design industry is using artificial intelligence in residential, commercial and hospitality design projects. Still, one of the biggest challenges in implementing it is using it for home floor planning. Almost 72% of design firms anticipate that AI will be capable of managing complex space tasks by 2025.

Let’s take a look at how we can make it possible, incorporate it your design process, and take advantage of it.

How AI Optimizes Space Utilization

AI design software for creating modern interiors

Smash all cumbersome design steps quickly and get to where your human creativity is needed the most. You don’t have to spend one more begrudging moment doing grunt work. Space planning is one of the largest reasons 37% of interior designers use AI technology. Start introducing AI now in your design process, in its nascent stage, and you’ll gain a huge competitive advantage over who don’t jump on the bandwagon now.

Let’s hone in on how AI algorithms manage to do exceedingly well living space utilization, to help a premium designer like you? 

✅ Help you automate layout suggestions

✅ Determine the optimal use of space, and ascertain furniture arrangements

✅ Comply with the region’s building codes, and 

✅ Make the space work aesthetically and functionality -wise

✅ Significantly cut down on your time and effort

✅ Create a simulation environment for interior designers to experiment 

✅ Deeply impact on space usability

How Will Your Floor Planning Process Be After You Introduce AI?

1. Start With the Big Picture

Two women discussing an interior design project on a laptop

Jenna Gaidusek, Educator at AI for Interior Designers says, “As tools adapt to our design flow, and our personal goals, you may stop doing conceptual imagery for your clients. I actually have stopped creating mood board, inspirational images etc, since AI is taking care of it all for me now. AI has elevated my onboarding and home design process, to get a super-clear understanding of design direction, and discuss where we can merge styles, how can we get conceptual design options before 3D rendering, or go material shopping.”


Since AI will do most of the heavy lifting, your crucial role is in eliciting design preferences, lifestyle choices, sustainability considerations, unique personality traits etc from your clients, make their decision-making process simpler and feeding them to the AI-driven tool to generate design ideas that translate from the vision of you and your client, to reality. The right, deep questions will help you get inputs readily and hyper-personalize your building designs. Even these qualifying questions can be generated with AI, and your inputs. But, that’s your call.

2. Customizing Based on Customer Feedback

Customizing Based on Customer Feedback

Holly Mumford, Architect and Founder of Hereabout, a design firm in Brooklyn says, “Everybody needs something to react to. It’s hard for people to get to a certain point in the custom design process to react to, and make an opinion on. Trying to figure the whole design all at once can be overwhelming. This is where AI designs help. You can start with a plan, a base design, ask yourself what you really want and tweak wherever you need.”


As Holly remarks, the crux of the design now lies in ensuring your design has a human touch, your client is able to envision living in the dream home the power of AI generates, and it meets the codes. If not, keep tweaking based on feedback. Most often designers modify designs in between meetings, when they collect client feedback on all aspects of one design, go back, rework, come back and present, collect feedback again, and repeat.

Instead, you can sit with your client, and as and when they want to see something different or have a particular element changed, you can do it right away, show them the proof of concept, help them make informed decisions seeing the generated floor plans. This move will cement your client’s trust in you to do what they desire for. 

3. Decide the Style, Layout, and Flow of the Space

Designers working on Style, Layout, and Flow of the Space

Once you’ve ironed out the details of lifestyle preferences, what rooms your homeowner needs to live such a lifestyle and how they want them to be built, you usually bring up adjacencies to narrow down on the proximity of those rooms. 

Your usual 10-15 design iterations to show different permutations and combinations of the rooms can be done in a few minutes now. Some designers believe the more design possibilities you show the client, the better, and if you’re one of them, you’re going to love how many sleepless nights AI will save you. What’s more? Just as you finish meeting with one client, you can move onto another, and work your magic for their unique requirements too.

You only have to put on your thinking hat and envision the aesthetic direction, zoning and circulation, prompt and train the AI until it gets it right. 

4. Finalize and Turn Around Designs Quickly

Once the feedback rounds are done with, you carve out the specifics, create 3D renderings and make the design choices ready-to-build. That should take you only half or even lesser time you’d usually take. Since the client completely knows you both are aligned, you won’t have as many changes as you’d expect when you show them the 3D rendering. Turn around design solutions quickly, make quick cash and move on to the next project.

How AI Creates Functional Layouts

Architects designing a floor planning on computers

Image credits: All images featured in this blog are AI-generated or created using Foyr Neo, an advanced interior designing software.

With a shrinking space availability and space coming at an extraordinary premium, you need to make sure every inch is utilized adequately, for the present and future without having to remodel the house or keep buying fixtures to satiate their needs. You also have to be accurate, and produce high-quality blueprints to give the contractors and the client a crystal clear idea of how the final home will look like. 

Holly Mumford, Architect and Founder of Hereabout, a design firm in Brooklyn quotes an example of her everyday work, to highlight how AI can intervene in your day-to-day. “A while ago, I designed a single level, 4-bedroom home plan, for a family that has 2 kids and are hoping to have another. They have a family that grows, and they will need space to reflect that in their growth. The central space in the house is great to gather, but everyone needs their own wing. It’s a space just under 1,900 square feet with separate spaces for mudroom, laundry room etc.” This would ideally take a lot of thinking, trial and error, back-and-forth to get the client to sign off. But with AI, it can be done in minutes – and correctly too.


Here are some ways AI makes your space functional:

1. Overlaying Colors and Materials

Jenna Gaidusek, Educator at AI for Interior Designers says, “Most robust AI design tools have stable diffusion integrated into it, which allows designers to overlay colours, materials, and textures into existing images while maintaining the integrity of the original image.”


You can use generative AI design tools like AI interior design generator to give a few prompts to create images based on your client-specific design requirements. The tools are trained by machine learning algorithms using public information, so the exact quality might vary. But, with constant instruction, you’ll be amazed at the level of detail and customization it can get done for you. If you want to see varieties in color, shape or finish, or a combination, you can simply enter the text, and the tool will show you the variation, without affecting the original image.

2. Blending Secondary Inspiration in Your Original Design

Often your clients will show you their Pinterest saves, or clips they took from a friend’s apartment and ask you if it’s possible to recreate the same in their space. AI makes it simpler than ever now. All you need to do is take the reference picture, enter a prompt to instruct the tool on what you want to use from the new picture, onto the source picture, and it’ll carry out the task effortlessly. A few seconds after your client requests to see an inspiration piece in their home, you can tie it into your design and show them how it’ll look.

3. Connections with Vendors

Usually you’d have to add 3D models of branded decor items or scout for it, or request the brand for a custom model and wait for days on end. But in robust AI systems, you have access to a large repository of 3D models which when selected, can help you alert the vendors of the decor piece and proceed with the quote/purchase. 

4. Converting Images From 2D to 3D

Once you finalize the initial concept and complete optimization of the design with use of AI tools, you can smoothen your process one step ahead if you integrate it with your design tool, simply retrieve your saved and approved concept and generate 3D renderings instantly. No more going back and forth from initial presentation to manual sketching to CAD rendering to manual sketching and final render.

AI vs Design Tools: A Head-to-Head Comparison

We’ve handpicked a few major design software options and compared their features for you with what AI-powered tools can do.


Foyr Neo SketchUp SmartDraw AutoCAD Floor


Robust design features        ✅        ✅          ✅       ✅      ❌
High-quality rendering        ✅        ❌          ❌       ✅      ❌
Short rendering timelines        ✅       ❌          ✅       ❌      ✅
Customizable        ✅       ✅          ❌       ❌      ❌
Short learning curve        ✅       ✅          ❌       ❌      ✅
User-friendly interface        ✅       ✅          ❌       ❌      ❌
Access to thousands of images for inspiration        ✅       ❌          ❌       ✅      ✅
Free version        ✅       ✅          ✅       ✅      ✅
Affordable         ✅       ❌          ❌       ❌      ✅
Easy to collaborate        ✅       ❌          ✅       ❌      ✅
Good material library        ✅       ✅          ✅       ✅      ❌

About 68% of architectural design firms will implement AI for comprehensive project management from start to finish.  If you think your AI is too nascent to help you in your design process, consider integrating it with your current tool, to double down on productivity. When you do so, you ensure your’re growing and updating yourself as AI advancements come about, and you continuously give feedback to the tool to get better designs over time. 


Features of Foyr Ideate AI interior design generator

Grab front-row access to the best AI interior design software that can cut down hours and hours for you, get hyperrealistic images done, and help you earn more in less time. 

Join the waitlist of Foyr Ideate – the AI-powered super engine trained by seasoned, tech-savvy interior designers who intuitively understand what you want, deliver beyond expectations, and doesn’t disappoint.

Create one design with Foyr Ideate – AI interior design generator and you’ll be amazed to see how quickly you can deliver designs that used to take months.

We have an early bird discount going on, so hop onto our waitlist and be a part of the next best thing releasing soon!

Join the Foyr Ideate waitlist now! 


Yes, AI can generate modern home floor plans tailored to current design trends and personal preferences.

Absolutely, AI ensures that home layouts are functional by prioritizing practical aspects of daily living.

AI tools use advanced machine learning algorithms to create harmonious and practical interior designs within the floor plan.

AI can generate 3D models and virtual tours to help visualize the final floor plan.

Yes, AI can update existing floor plans and incorporate renovation ideas and new layouts.

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