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Feng Shui Design Principles – How to Implement in Your Home

Feng Shui Design Principles – How to Implement in Your Home

Feng Shui Design Principles

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Interior design is an art form that not only introduces colors and light to a house but also adds personality, comfort, and good energy.

The concepts of interior design are widely based on various themes and purposes. Some clients prefer minimalist but functional design plans while others prefer more complex and defined design plans. While there are several design principles to choose from, interior designers must always pay attention to the flow of energy in their design plans.

Everything in this universe is comprised of energy; from life force to earth element, everything operates on an energy map. These energy forces can be manipulated into positive energy or negative one.

The Chinese concept of yin and yang is founded on this philosophical balance of the positive and negative forces in the universe. It was further applied in the field of interior design by introducing the elements of Feng Shui.

Today, let us discuss in detail, this incredible Chinese practice of interior design on how to manipulate Feng Shui energy forces to improve the quality of life.

What Is FengShui?

Before we talk about the elements of Feng Shui and how you can manipulate it, let us first understand what it really is.

Feng Shui literally translates to ‘wind and water.’ The Chinese practice of manipulating the life force is embedded in controlling ‘chi’ which is the flow of energy. Feng Shui focuses on the two primary energy forces of wind and water to affect the areas of your life.

Simply put, wind and water have the capacity to flow in free-form. The elements of Feng Shui are arranged such that these natural elements flow through the living space of the household. The good energy that is emitted due to the use of Feng Shui, affects the temperament, vitality, and overall well-being of the inhabitants.

In a way, Feng Shui closely mimics the components of Yin and Yang. It helps balance the flow of good and bad energies.

The pith of these nurturing components is chi, or life constraint. Wind and water are immediate transporters of chi, as their streaming quality mirrors their fundamental nature. All living creatures are to a great extent made out of these two components. Along these lines, Feng Shui is the speciality of planning conditions in amicability with the stream of chi through one’s living area design, and this stream backings and upgrades one’s close to home chi or life drive.

The History And Basics

The Chinese practices of Feng Shui have been traced back to 960 B.C. The pseudoscientific philosophy has immensely impacted the historical evolution of the provinces in China. These Feng Shui tips have been passed on through generations to maintain harmony between man and nature.

Given how long people have used the advice of Feng Shui experts and the incredible progress of lifestyle in China, it is safe to assume that Feng Shui indeed has a tremendous impact on human life forms. Thus you must try to infuse Feng Shui energy into your home in the right way, to improve the energy map of the house.

The basics principles of Feng Shui are drilled into the use of ‘chi’ also referred to as ‘qi’ or ‘ki’. This form of energy flow mostly uses earth tones and pieces of earth elements to introduce the forces of nature in its free-form. The concepts of Feng Shui targets the environment along with the fluidity of wind and water to dominate over the negative energy inside the house and vanquishing it all together.

Most Feng Shui interior design plans use wind chimes, houseplants, and indoor water bodies to manipulate the energy forces. Decluttering the living space and placing these small pieces of natural elements in commanding positions, can help free the good energy inside the house.

Feng Shui also uses open floor plans to allow tins of natural light into the household. Light has a positive impact on daily life. In ancient times, they used Bagua maps to measure the different phases of the life force. They used these grid charts to check the flow of energy and the impact of natural light, the water element, earth element, and wind element throughout the living space.

The Form School focuses on the three major natural elements that influence the basic principles of Feng Shui. The Compass School however focuses on the eight cardinal directions that indicate a symbiosis between Earth and Heaven. Interior designers following either of these Feng Shui schools can combine the earth elements with those of life force for harmonious living.

The design principles of Feng Shui has since evolved to accommodate the modern lifestyle with contemporary interior design. However, the basic principles of Feng Shui are still used in critical locations such as in the home office and living room where people spend the most time. It is also used near the front door where guests are greeted, to clean their aura and welcome them into an atmosphere filled with positive energy.


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Energy centers or guas are used to determine where to place objects that represent energy elements. The Bagua is thus a grid-shaped chart that maps the various phases of one’s life.

The Compass School is another principle based on the eight cardinal directions. It uses the Luo Pan, a disc marked with formulas in concentric rings around a compass signifying the union of earth and heaven.


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Practices for Fengshui Design

  • Aside from the basic principles of Feng Shui in interior design, there are general practices that are followed around the Chinese household to incorporate the effects of good energy. These practices mostly focus on clean living which promotes positivity in the living spaces.
    1. Decluttering

    According to the concepts of Feng Shui, clutter brings forth negative energy into the household. Not only does it look unappealing, but clutter can be hazardous to the health of the inhabitants. It is important to remove all unnecessary objects. They may be things that do not serve a purpose or incomplete design plans.

    Anything that doesn’t fit into the natural flow of the living space, must be removed so the positive energy can flow freely through the house.

    2.Removing the shoes

    Chinese philosophers believed that one must always remove all the negative energy forces at the door when they enter the house. This is why, in order to maintain good Feng Shui, you must remove your shoes before you enter the household.

    3. Playing with colors

    Color psychology not only affects a person’s mood, but also the overall energy forces in the house. Feng Shui experts suggest using the combination of three natural colors to instigate serenity and positive energy indoors. It is best to use light shades of lavender, blue, green, and peach for their calming effects. Although white has positive effects on the mind, it is best to use it sparingly as it emits a cold atmosphere.

    4. Incorporating the sounds of Feng Shui

    There are different elements of sound that invoke positive energy into the atmosphere. The elements of Feng Shui are combined with these metal elements or earth elements for positive sound effects. You can place wind chimes at the front door or in open spaces for serene sounds. You can also use Tibetan singing bowls or large bells around the living space where the wind elements can interact with the other elements of the environment to create a positive effect.

    5. Introducing natural elements

    It is important that a house receives abundant natural light in all its corners. Dark and desolate spaces breed negativity. This is why the basic principles of Feng Shui recommend introducing natural light and cross-ventilation. It also suggests using house plants and bamboo, to further instill the elements of nature so the flow of energy remains uninterrupted.

    6. Using Feng Shui enhancers

    In today’s evolved stage of life, every individual has objects that they hold dear. Feng Shui experts recommend placing these objects in appropriate Bagua zones. This makes the inhabitants of the household feel more comfortable and serene, thereby improving the positive energy around the household.


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Practices for Fengshui Design

1. Overall arrangement of the house

Feng Shui employs the principles of engineering, interior design, and astronomy to create a positive impact in the household, without catering to superstitions.

It is pivotal that the house is designed with either symmetrical or asymmetrical balance. It should have a well-designed exterior that facilitates the growth of natural elements, without hindering the environment. Feng Shui stresses cultivating as many natural energy forces as possible to maintain the balance of Yin and Yang in a household.

2. Arrangements in the rooms

In order to create positive energy in the arrangements of the rooms, it is best to remove all slanting structures. Slants tend to attract utter mayhem as per the principles of ‘chi’ and Feng Shui. This is not due to any superstitious belief, rather the hazard posed by slanting structures.

If it is impossible to remove these negatively-impacting structures around the house, Feng Shui experts suggest using Bagua reflects in the exteriors of the house to keep out the negative flow of energy.

3. Position of the House

Feng Shui experts suggest that a house should not be placed near graveyards, landfills, or garbage dumps. These locations breed negative energy which is harmful to the inhabitants.

According to the basic principles of Feng Shui, it is best if the house is located on a clear path, with adequate distance from the street. Garages and should be created without penetrating the perimeter of the house, to keep away the negativity from outside.

The positioning of the house plays a major role in balancing the negative and positive energy within the household.

modern fengshui home

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Implementing Feng Shui in your home design

1. The front entrance

The entrance to the house is believed to be the gateway for Feng Shui energy. Whether you have a foyer or just a doorway, the front entrance should always be clean and well maintained.

Start by decluttering the space and replace any blown lights or dead plants. Oil the door and ensure that it is clean and soundless. Keep the entryway clear. There should be no blocking furniture or stairways that prevent the ‘chi’ from flowing freely into the house.

2. The kitchen

The kitchen should be located afar from the front entrance and it shouldn’t face any room. Keep the kitchen clean and fresh to improve the positive energy around it. Try not to place any stoves or broilers in the North-West side as it is believed to disrupt the ‘chi’ in the house.

3. The bathrooms

Mirrors are believed to disrupt negative energy. You can strategically place a mirror in the washroom to maintain the flow of energy forces.

Always keep the lid closed on the toilet when it is not in use. As we have said before Feng Shui is focused on clean living. Therefore, to keep the bathroom clean and hygienic, you must control the contamination. Closing the lid helps contain any germs that might exist.

Feng Shui also suggests that you keep the bathroom door closed at all times. Aside from being in poor taste, it is also highly unhealthy. Make sure to install a working lock or latch so the door remains closed.

4. The Rooms

In the bedroom, it is best not to place the bed in front of a door or window. Try to place it in the center where it doesn’t face any of the exteriors directly. This also applies to the living room where the seating area should not face any door or window directly. You can use crystal balls in the center of the room to absorb any negative energy and propel the positive energy forces into the room.

5. The stairs

When it comes to stairways, Feng Shui experts advise not to have winding staircases in the house. They also advise that no room should open onto a staircase. It is pivotal to have a proper landing area in order to avoid any accidental hazards.

The looming danger of toppling down the stairs creates constant negative energy. Therefore, it is best to design stairways in unrestricted, open areas where the imminent threat is visible and can be easily avoided.

6. The windows and doorways

Windows and doors are the inlet and outlet for all energy forces Therefore they should not be constricted with furniture or clutter. Keep the window frames and glasses clean. Maintain that the doors are properly hinged and oiled. There should be no dirt or dust on these surfaces as it hinders the flow of positive energy.

Feng Shui is a delicate art of balancing ying and yang to maintain the ‘chi’ in the household. You can use customized design plans or follow the teachings of the Form school or compass school to introduce positive energy forces in your home. We hope you find the Feng Shui tips in this article useful to eliminate all negativity and fill your home with positive energy.

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